Tuesday, August 7, 2007

What Does a New Jail or Prison Fix?

I want you to ponder this question, what does a new jail or prison actually fix? I ask you this because we as Americans are so quick to impose a tax to build a new jail or sentence convicted citizens to lengthy terms, that we actually forget about the rehabilitation process. I want to know what you think about what jails and prisons actually fix.



Unknown said...

Personally I'm tired of being used as the governments experiment for rehabilitation. I'm not speaking of drug dealers but violent offenders. I understand that building new jails will not prevent crimes however after having a loved one murdered my views have changed a bit. I think it's bs that people get off for good behavior. When you raped and murdered a person your behavior wasn't so good, and that person isn't going to get paroled from death. Instead of building new prisons I think we need to be educating the public as well as the police system. With most crimes there are so many signs before it happens but no one pays attention. So many violent crimes can be prevented if people recognize the signs and take the proper precautions to protect themselves. I don't think prisons fix anything but keeping criminals off the streets. As far as rehabilitation I'd like to see the proof that it actually works

Lew said...

I would appreciate your comments, I know some issues are touchy, but with your help we may all have a better understanding of these issues.